Seattle Music Teachers Association Bylaws


Article I: Membership

Section 1: SMTA is a local unit of the Washington State Music Teachers Association which is an affiliate of the Music Teachers National Association. Membership in the Seattle Music Teachers Association is obtained through membership with the Music Teachers National Association.   As a member of MTNA, a teacher becomes a member of the State Affiliate and Local Association in which they reside.


Section 2:  Active Membership – Active members in SMTA shall have the right to vote, to hold office and to receive Staccato Notes.


Section 3:  Membership Sub-categories – Membership sub-categories for SMTA will be the same as defined by MTNA and WSMTA by-laws and constitutions.


Article II: Dues

Section 1: The membership year shall be from July 1 through June 30.


Section 2:  Annual dues for membership shall include MTNA dues, WSMTA dues and SMTA dues.


Section 3:  A member relinquishes all privileges of Active membership until dues and current obligations are paid for the current membership year.


Section 4: Dues of new members joining after May 1 shall be applied to the following membership year.


Section 5:  Payment of the required dues include: membership in the MTNA, the WSMTA, the SMTA, and annual subscriptions to American Music Teacher, the Clarion, and Staccato Notes.


Article III: Meetings

This Association shall hold regular meetings every month except March, June, July, August and December.  Meetings may be cancelled by a majority vote of members or at the discretion of the Executive Board.


Article IV: Election

Section 1. A Nominating Committee shall consist of three members:  the Immediate Past President, one appointed by the President, and one elected by the membership at the November General Meeting. The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for recruiting candidates for SMTA elected officer positions. The Immediate Past President shall Chair the Nominating Committee.


The Nominating Committee shall present the name of one candidate for each elected office at the April General Meeting.  Opportunity shall be given for further nomination from the floor.


Section 2. Officers shall be elected by a ballot or acclamation at the May meeting. A simple majority of those present at the General Meeting shall elect. The newly elected officers shall begin transition in May, and will take office July 1st.   


Article V: Duties of Officers

Section 1. The President shall preside over all meetings and shall appoint all committees.


Section 2. The Vice Presidents shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President and shall assume any other duty as deemed necessary by the President and/or Executive Board.


Section 3. The Secretary shall take the minutes of all general membership business meetings and the minutes of the Executive Board.  Minutes shall be signed by the Secretary. Secretary will be responsible for keeping on file copies of the SMTA yearbook, Staccato Notes and signed copies of all minutes. The Secretary shall read and, when necessary, answer communications in regard to the Association and keep a record of meeting attendance.  The Secretary will also oversee the retention schedule for SMTA legal documentation.


Section 4. The Treasurer shall keep a correct list of all members, pay bills as authorized by the Executive Board and shall present a financial report at each Executive Board meeting. The Treasurer shall receive and deposit all income and with the advice of the President and Immediate Past President, administer all investments.  


Article VI: Executive Board

The duties of the Executive Board, a quorum of which shall consist of six members, shall be to:

Formulate policies of the Association subject to acceptance by the Membership

Transact routine business matters

Take action when emergencies arise

Fill non-elected vacancies occurring in VP positions.

In the case of an elected officer leaving office before the end of his/her term, the Executive Board will appoint an interim replacement candidate that will be confirmed by a vote of the General Membership at the next membership meeting.

Administer scholarship and investment funds in a manner consistent with the mission and vision of SMTA.

Arrange for an annual review of the Association’s financial records by a qualified member or independent accountant before September 1 of each calendar year and report at the regular September meeting.

Ensure all reports and taxes are filed to comply with Washington State requirements for 501 (c)(3) corporations.  

Hold at least eight meetings during the fiscal year.


Article VII: Committees

The President shall appoint standing committees and other committees as the need arises.


Article VIII: Indebtedness and Expenditures

Officers shall create no financial or legal obligations upon the Association without specific approval of the Executive Board.


Article IX: Quorum

The quorum for each business meeting of the Association shall consist of a quorum of the Executive Board plus ten active members.


Article X: Amendments

These by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a regular business meeting. The proposed amendment shall have been approved by the Executive Board and published in Staccato Notes preceding the meeting.


Article XI: Procedure

Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised) shall govern all business meetings of this Association.