Commissioned Sonatina Award
The winner of the 2025 Award is Jeff Moidel, SMTA Member
Excerpts from his upcoming premier are below. If you are a SMTA member, you will have access to the full score up until 2 weeks post-premier. You may access the score by emailing the chair of the Marsha Wright Sonatina Festival, Thomas Lee. Recordings may also be accessed prior to the premiere by emailing Thomas Lee.
1-page Excerpts (from Left to Right - Mov. 1, Mov. 2 Andante Lirico, Mov. 3 Scherzo):
Previous Winners:
2019: Katie Levine, SMTA Teacher/composer
2020: Rachael S. Kim, student of WSMTA teacher Sharon Van Valin
2021: Louise (Liz) Nedela, teacher member of the Clark County WSMTA Chapter
2022: Jeanne Park, student of WSMTA teacher Sharon Van Valin
2023: Nathan Campbell, WSMTA teacher/composer
2024: Nathan Zhao, student of Dr. Peter Mack, NCTM, SMTA Chapter