General Meetings

Our membership gathers together periodically throughout the year to socialize, discuss SMTA business, and hear a musical/professional development presentation. Details about upcoming presenters are below!

If I Had A Time Machine: Working Smarter, Not Harder

Katie Levine

Maintaining a private studio that provides both joy and financial stability can be a winding road. From advertising to fostering relationships, to the magic of autopay, this session will help you cultivate a thriving studio. 

October 18, 2024

Practice Lessons: What I Learned from Listening

Nancy O’Neill Breth

It’s every teacher’s dream: students who listen, who care, who translate their lessons into thoughtful, effective practice. That’s the dream: what’s the reality? What actually happens in the practice room? Do we really want to know? Will knowing change anything for the better? A candid report on my year of Practice Lessons—monthly visits into my students’ private piano life. Through brief lesson videos, frank student feedback and my own analysis of the experience, I hope to shed some light on the process and perhaps even toss a little optimism into the mix.

November 15, 2024