9:00AM Grab a cup of tea or coffee, catch up with old friends and colleagues and meet new ones
9:25AM Performance by SMTA member, TBA
9:30AM Business
10:00-11:00AM Presentation, Dr. Andrea McAlister
Building Better Habits
Habits shape approximately half of our days, so it’s time to give more conscious thought to our unconscious thoughts. This session will provide tools for establishing stronger and more successful habits for practice and performance.
Andrea McAlister is Professor of Piano Pedagogy at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music, Co-Editor-in-Chief of Piano Inspires Kids, Editor of Piano Magazine and Director of Digital Programming for the Frances Clark Center. Her research has been featured at national and international conferences including the International Society of Music Education, Music Teachers National Association, College Music Society, and the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy. She is an inaugural member of the Yamaha Master Educator Collective in Keyboard Pedagogy.