MTNA/WSMTA dues must be paid by Oct. 15, 2021 for renewing members, or by Jan. 10, 2022 for new members in order to participate in the Music Artistry Program. Renew online here!
WSMTA’s Music Artistry Program provides private master classes for member studios. Students of all ages and levels perform in a noncompetitive environment working one-on-one with a highly respected Visiting Artist and receiving written comments and a certificate. It is a great motivational experience for students and an excellent opportunity for teachers to get objective feedback, suggestions, and support. Our Seattle chapter organizes the Music Artistry Program (MAP) for pianists; students of voice and other instruments may participate in the MAP with other local chapters.
After a successful online-only event last year, we are exploring the option of holding MAP online again. We are in conversation with the Visiting Artists, monitoring COVID numbers, and monitoring vaccine rollouts for kids and will have a decision by the end of October.
Event Dates: March 7 - 12, 2022
Registration: Dec 1, 2021 - Jan 7, 2022. All registrations are done online and are sent directly to our State MAP Chair.