Simon-Fiset Composition 2025 Rules & Guidelines

2025 SMTA Simon-Fiset Composition Competition

Rules and Guidelines

Deadline for receipt of compositions: 11:59 pm PT on March 24, 2025

Results will be announced by April 30, 2025


The contest is open to students of grades 1-12 in four divisions:

Myrtle Noble Division: School grades 1-3

Vie Husted Division: School grades 4-6

Laura Jensen Division: School grades 7-9

Lockrem Johnson Division: School grades 10-12


Each level has the same requirements with the exception of the Myrtle Noble Division.

Entries from students in Myrtle Noble Division (grade 1-3) should also include a scan or photograph of an original piece of artwork that expresses the musical idea of the piece. Students in grades 4-12 are welcome to submit artwork as well, but it is not mandatory and will not affect the adjudication.

There is no limit on length, form, instrumentation/voice or style/genre. However, this competition is intended to be for Classical music (not Popular music) which can include ideas taken from the Baroque, Classic, Romantic, Impressionistic, and Contemporary periods, including Jazz.

Students may enter more than once, but must submit a separate application and fee with each composition.

A composition that utilizes copyrighted text must include a written statement from the copyright holder that gives permission to use the text. If the text is in the public domain or original, you will sign to attest that the text is permissible to use on the registration form.

Students may submit a live audio recording with acoustic instrumentation, or a “computer performance” (for example, a midi file) of the composition. Recordings must be audio only, no video. There must be nothing on the recording that could be used to identify the contestant (like talking or unnecessary background noise).

No indication of the student’s name or teachers’ name(s) should be on the score or recording. Pages must be numbered. Put the student's grade level in school and length of time they have studied COMPOSITION in the upper right corner of the first page of the piece.


All participating students will receive a written adjudication. The 1st place-3rd place winners will receive a monetary award, a certificate, and the opportunity to have their composition featured on the SMTA YouTube channel. Honorable mentions may be awarded at the discretion of the adjudicator, and will receive certificates but no monetary prizes.


SMTA member teacher / SMTA non-member teacher

Grades 1-3: Myrtle Noble Division

$30 / $50

Grades 4-6: Vie Husted Division

$35 / $55

Grades 7-9: Laura Jensen Division

$40 / $60

Grades 10-12: Lockrem Johnson Division

$45 / $65


On the Simon-Fiset Composition registration page, click the Pay Composition Entrance Fee button. Fill out the short form and click “Add to cart”.

Click on the cart icon on the top right of the page to pay the fee and complete checkout.

Fill out the composition entrance form to complete registration.

SMTA Admin